Saturday, March 14, 2020

How to Ask for a Promotion the Right Way - Your Career Intel

How to Ask for a Promotion the Right Way - Your Career IntelAsking for a promotion can make or break your current position and relationship with your employer. Its important to have a strategic plan in place before going to your boss about a new role.There are five steps that you should take when asking for a promotion. The process shouldnt be taken lightly but rather should be well thought out and the steps clearly defined.Decide what role or responsibilities you would like to take on. In order to do this, you must identify the need or value add for your organizationmake a business case for promotion based on what you can do for the company. Your value add must directly align with the goals, revenue or mission your kollektiv and company has. In the current day of lean-operating companies, promotions happen more commonly when individuals prove how they are able to better serve the organization, as opposed to just being rewarding for great wertzuwachs. For example, the best coder on a software development team shouldnt necessarily become a candidate for management just because he or she has provided clean code for their duration of employment. If soft skills, delegation capability or leadership qualities do not align, the individual could stay stagnant in their career and not be a candidate for getting a promotion.Be able to effectively highlight your accomplishments that go above and beyond your role. This could mean overachieving quotas, taking on side projects or mentoring junior contributors. This list should only contain duties or initiatives that are above your current roles expectations and again should directly correlate to what you can do for the organization in the new role.Consider timing, and then request a platform on which to speak. Ideally, your boss will be onsite with you, and your request will align with an expected performance evaluation if done annually. If you dont have an upcoming review or performance evaluation, be sure that your request is for a meeting in the near future and without a hidden agenda. You need to be clear as to what you want to speak to your boss about. Also, in-person discussions are always best if an option. For telecommuters or remote workers, consider Facetime, Skype, or the last resort, phone.If increased compensation is a part of the deal, know your worth Do your research via or and know what youve brought to the table in terms of revenue. Also, be firm on your lowest acceptable number and be prepared to negotiate.EXECUTE. Arrive on time, thank your higher up for their time and efficiently make your case.In conclusion, although sometimes an extremely arduous and uncomfortable request, the only way to progress in your career may be to ask for it. Ensure the quality of your expected work, make it a point to do what is more than expected and go out and get what you deserveHave you recently asked for a promotion? Share your story below.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Ways To Be An Awesome Parent, According to Science

Ways To Be An Awesome Parent, According to Science We still havent made paid maternity leave a national policy, which means a lot of new mothers return to work drunk with sleep deprivation. Poor sleep isnt healthy for anyone mom, baby, companies, nor the economy.Working mothers, you deserve a moment of silence and reflection youre amazing. Parenting isnt easy. Thats why the subject is one of the most researched areas in the field of social science.So if you feel like youre on the struggle bus most days, here are sixscientific-based ways to improve your parenting1. Make sleep work for youIf your little one isnt sleeping through the night, make the most of the time that youre able to sleep. Start by believing that sleep is vital. Prioritize it so youre elend spending sleep time doing other stuff. Lastly, make your bedroom completely dark, cool (somewhere around 65 degrees), and be asleep during the hours of 10pm to 2am. Sleeping during behauptung hours is most invigorating for your m ind and body.Consistently sleeping badly makes us moody, unhealthy, and more likely to make bad decisions. Poor sleep also makes us less effective in the workplace. This could translate into making less money, being stuck in a job or career you dont love, or missing out on opportunities.2. Count your cuddlesHugging makes us release the powerful love hormone oxytocin. Besides the physical feeling, hugs have been scientifically proven to make kids smarter, stimulate growth, bond with adults, create healthy kids, plus other scientifically proven benefits. You know how they say that absence makes the heart grow fonder? Maybe thats why a hug feels so darn splendid at the end of a workday.3. Remember that toys arent messy they lead to growthThe pressure of a clean home, happy child, great social life, and career success is legit youre not alone. But dont feel badly if you have a few toys scattered about. Children need to play, and they need to play a lot. According to the book Einstein N ever Used Flash Cards, play is to early childhood what gas is to a car. It allows them to express themselves, use their five senses, and explore how things work. Play also helps with motor gross skills and physical and social development.4.Wear a smile more than lip-glossEmotional contagion really does exist. When youre happy and content, so is your little one. If youre feeling exhausted, sad, or frustrated, those feelings usually transfer. Remember how you first got your baby to smile? You may have smiled at them and then they caught your feelings and smiled back. Research shows that smiling makes us feel good, too. Even when youre having a rough moment, try tofind a reason to smile.5.Model what you want to seeA research study that looked at 2,000 parents showed that 3 out of 10 of the best parenting competencies mentioned modeling Let your child see you expressing love, demonstrating acts of kindness, eating and drinking well, and paying attention to your overall optimal well-bein g. We cant expect our child to be an avid reader or articulate a noteworthy discourse on the benefits of fresh air if they dont see us reading, opening the windows, or spending time outside.6. Live life outside of your childBeing around a child 24/7 can be tiring and may not allow bonding, communicating, and socializing with other adults. Its natural to miss your child, but if you find it really, really hard to separate yourself, then you may need to do some inner work to examine why. Research indicates that sustained contact with an emotionally needy parent takes a negative toll on a child. If youre working, you automatically have a life outside of being Mommy, so thats great.--Rachel Montanez is a career coach and career development speaker. Check out her website here.